The purpose of this curriculum is to provide an extensive overview of financial analysis and how it functions at the institution. The curriculum will cover the different aspects of financial analysis, such as credit analysis and commercial lending procedures, and how and why they are integral to the efficient operation of the institution. The courses included in this curriculum will also provide information regarding the interpretation and analysis of financial reports and accounts, balance sheets, cash cycles, and financial models. Completing these courses will lead to a comprehensive understanding of financial analysis and will nurture employees in becoming competent, effective additions to the institution.

Duration : 8 Hours

Certificate Accreditation: INSPIRE

Additional Info

Economic Indicators
T1) Macroeconomics
T2) Industry Competitive Forces
T3) Economic Cycles
T4) Industry Life Cycles
T5) General Business Cycles
T6) Business Life Cycle
T7) Product Life Cycle
T8) Micro Cycles
T9) Developing a Company Overview
T10) The Accounting Cycle
Interpreting Financial Reports and Accounts
T1) Interpreting Financial Statements
T2) Accounting Choices
T3) Interpreting Balance Sheets
T4) Interpreting Income Statements
Analyzing Performance and Condition
T1) Spreading Financial Statements
T2) Analyzing the Balance Sheet
T3) Analyzing the Income Statement
Understanding Cash Cycles and Cash Flow
T1) Cash Cycles
T2) Seasonal Cash Cycles
T3) Interim Financial Statements
T4) Borrowing
T5) Interpreting Repayment Risks
T6) Cash Flow
Analyzing Combined Balance Sheets and Income Statements
T1) Using Rate of Return (ROR)
T2) Efficiency Measures
T3) Accounts Payable and Working Capital
T4) Pro Forma Balance Sheets
T5) Financial Projections

Aspects of a Financial Model
T1) What is a Financial Model?
T2) Objectives
T3) Financial Forecasting
T4) Historical Data
T5) Revenue Projections
T6) Expense and Margin
T7) Spreadsheet Structuring
Model Analysis
T1) Uncertainty and Risk
T2) Sensitivity Analysis
T3) Monte Carlo Scenario
T4) Scenario Analysis
T5) Linear and Goal Programming
Model Creation
T1) Modeling Discipline
T2) Model Aesthetics
T3) Common Errors
T4) Future Use
Typical Financial Models
T1) Corporate Modeling
T2) Security Valuation
T3) Capital Budgeting
T4) Break-Even Analysis

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