Course Overview
The way a data center is managed at the facilities layer makes all the difference and even a data center designed to Tier-4 as per the ANSI/TIA-942 standard could still experience many unscheduled down time events due to poor planning, operations, maintenance and management processes.
About CDCFOM® Exam
The candidates who are appearing for this exam should have gained in-depth knowledge in managing data center operation which includes the following key subject matters such as; Capacity planning, latest Green initiatives, how to properly commission and de-commission equipment, Compliance to Safety Standards, Statutory Compliance and International Standards, Managing People, Vendor Management, handling Incident/Crisis Management as well the how to keep operations really simple, manageable, effective and efficient and much more.
It would be advisable for the participants to have some experience in data centre operations although it is not required, there is no prerequiste to appear for this exam.
Exam Information
- In order to receive the CDCFOM® certification, you must pass three exams; CDCP-001, CDCS-001 and CDCE-001 or you can take a single CDCFOM® exam.1) CDCP-0012) CDCS-0013) CDCE-001Taking the Exam1) You need to qualify in all the three exams to receive CDCFOM® Credential/Certification.
2) Exams can be taken separately (one at a time) and in any sequence.
3) You may retake any examination as often as necessary.
- Exams are online and proctored based, using a webcam and a reliable internet connection exams can be taken anywhere and anytime.
- 1) The total duration of CDCP-001 exam is 1 hour (60 Minutes)2) The total duration of CDCS-001 exam is 1 hour (60 Minutes)3) The total duration of CDCE-001 exam is 1 hour (60 Minutes)or1) The total duration of CDCFOM-001 exam is 1 hour 30 minutes (90 Minutes)
- No external sources of information may be accessed during the exam held via ProctorU. Further details of the materials permitted are provided:
- Identification Proof
- If a Candidate does not pass the exam in the second (2nd) attempt, the candidate must wait for a period of at least fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of their attempt to retake the exam for third (3rd) time or any subsequent time.
- The exam can be taken any number of times.
- The Centre Facilities Operations Manager (CDCFOM)® Certificate is valid for life.