Course Description: This course provides a thorough look at club management, introducing students to general club management and governance, leadership, marketing, and human resources, and such operational areas as food and beverage operations, entertainment, financial management, club technology, and sports and recreation programs.
At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Define a private club, explain how private clubs are owned, and identify the types of private
clubs that exist.
2. List club membership categories.
3. Summarize the important elements of private club organizational structures.
4. Explain the roles that boards of directors and general managers play in private clubs.
5. Describe effective leadership techniques for club managers.
6. Describe the strategic planning process and how toimplementit.
7. Identify the role of marketing in private clubs and explain buyer behavior and marketing
8. Explain membership marketing and the role of the membership director.
9. Identify essential elements in human resource management, including major employment
antidiscrimination laws, recruitment, selection, orientation, performance appraisals, and
10. Summarize techniques involved in training and development, including assessment,
socialization, and training at all employee levels in a club.
11. Describe the importance of effective communication skills for club managers.
12. Explain how food and beverage operations in clubs are organized, staffed, and financed.
13. Describe how entertainment needs are managed and entertainment purchased in a private
14. Explain which financial documents are used in clubs, how to analyze them, and the three
types of budgeting.
15. Describe how computer technology is integrated into a club, including system basics, generic
software, accounting systems, prospect recruitment software, POS systems, event
management software, golf course management software, and system interfacing and
16. Explain the importance of facility management in clubs.
17. List the types of facilities, programs, services, and staff found in a club’s golf operations.
18. Summarize the major issues involved in golf course maintenance, including budgets,
equipment, turfgrass management, and environmental concerns.
19. Describe the fitness, spa, aquatics, and tennis operations found in manyprivateclubs