Course format:
- This classroom course provides 3 days (24 hours) of instruction delivered by an official IATA Instructor.
- Â Student performance will be based on an assessment
- Â Participants should have prior knowledge of Air Cargo Procedures and Quality Management Systems(QMS)
- Recommended level is Intermediate and Advanced
- Â The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.
What you will learn?
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
-  Describe IATA’s Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) manual and applicable legislation
- Â Manage time and temperature sensitive perishables cargo
- Â Explain the importance of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) based Perishable Cargo Safety Management System
- Implement a CEIV Fresh audit checklist
Course content:
-  How to use IATA’s PCR
- Â Government and airline regulations
-  Shipper’s and airline’s responsibilities
- Â Documentation and labelling
- Â Perishable handling procedures
- Â Damage, claims and tracking
- Â HACCP-based perishable safety
- Â CEIV fresh audit checklist
- Â Case studies
- Â Group exercise and games
- IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations
- IATA CEIV Fresh Audit Checklist
Who should attend?
This course is recommended for:
- Â Cargo quality management
- Â Warehouse and ramp operational management
- Â Airline, handler and freight forwarder
Certificate awarded:
An IATA Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 70% or higher on all
exercises and exams. A special distinction is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.
Please note this Certificate is only valid for 36 months